As an aside, I just completed the final step of the installation a couple of days ago: an infrared passthrough so the remote works with the glovebox closed!

Do you have any details on this you can share?

I hacked a $7.00 "fiber optic" battery powered lamp much like the one found here: . The fibers are certainly not communications quality, but seem to pass the light from point to point reasonably. They are all fused together in a plastic bundle that would have been inside the base of the lamp, near the 4 LEDs that the lamp used as a light source.

I removed the fiber bundle, flattened and fanned it out so the tips of the fibers are pointing in about a 90 degree arc. Then I applied some clear silicone caulk to keep the fibers in the flattened/fanned state (can be seen in the photos). I fit the doohickey in the glovebox so the bundled end of the fibers was hanging just near the empeg's IR receiver. I snipped the tips of the fibers (using a paper cutter) in a straight line such that the tips barely show themselves when the glovebox is closed. Finally, I made a molded blob out of epoxy putty (like this stuff: ) and attached the fiber assembly to the blob. The epoxy blob is simply there to fit the device snugly in place and to provide an attachment point (I used velcro tape on the blob and on the inside of the glovebox).

You should be able to see most of what I talked about in the photo journal. Also note that it has its own comments along the way.

Anything I left out?
Hello, my name is Bingo. I like to climb on things. Can I have a banana? eek eek.