My pal is confined to his house so I'm not sure what I'll be able to do... also note that the closest Future Shop (big store like Best Buy in the states) is approximately 600 kms away and most ma and pop stores around here don't have much (if any) wireless gear around here (with the closest ma and pop being about 160 kms away!).

I'm gonna be doind some digging. Once we get online and figure out how the unit is setup (NAT, DHCP, whatever) for sure I will be figuring out the wireless side of things. My pal is concerned with security so I got to convince him that only we will be able to access it. My house is exactly 1 kilometer away from the school and I have direct line of sight to the school. His house is probably a little closer but there are a few buildings and maybe some land that he would have to go through. I'll figure that out later with my GPS. I remember watching "The Screen Savers" a while back and they were talking about homemade directional antennas. Do any of you have any experience with this? I have satellite dishes that I could use if they would do a good job at harbouring up a signal, I did see that on TechTV as well.

Getting excited here... the Telco hasn't even been able to provide 128k ISDN in the past so I am quite anxious to try this out.

12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
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