My company has a good angle. They press us employees for donations, then write a big check to the charity. The company comes out looking like a "great corporate citizen" while us employees pay the bill.

The company even got a 100+ million dollar tax break from the city while I have to pay city tax to a city I don't even live in. They got the money by threatening to leave. If they did, the city would be kissing my tax money goodbye.

It all sucks

I have a very black heart I guess.

Since I am ranting another thing I hate is when I see someone giving money to a bum on the street. Most of these bums look very able to work, are dressed nicely and no doubt have a good income begging. If people (and the government) would just stop giving them money maybe they’d get a job and be a productive member of society, while also lowering my taxes. Burger places always need people. When I was going to college it was “to good for me” to flip burgers.

Well enough from Scrooge.