I swung by the machine shop at lunch and snapped a photo of the Alpha version of the face plate, its still needs the bevels on the edge, the bottom button hole needs to be larger and it still needs the lip on the back that the lens sits on but other then that it looks pretty good.
I was planning to offer them at my cost plus shipping, still trying to iron out that part with the machine shop remember this is just an Alpha version it is not the proto-type I will have on Friday.
I made enough minor changes to keep from being sued by RIO for copy write infringements so I feel pretty safe.
I was planning to offer them in three different flavors 1, Unfinished, 2. Electro-polished, 3. Black anodized. After talking to the platter I found out that “Anodize can be any color” I am not saying I will pantone match any color you want I am saying the company will make colored version for a small fee. Under no circumstances will I refund money on a custom color that is “too red or not green enough” so keep that in mind if you decide you want something custom.
All faces will come with a matching handle (During the plating process it is possible that some of the plating compound will find its way into the screw holes making it slightly harder to get the screws started)
I hope you like it, so with out any more delay here is a photo of the Alpha version snapped by my cell phone. (Yes those are my feet in the photo)
213527-alpha.jpg (238 downloads)
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