If any of you have the Microsoft Dotnet framework 1.1 installed, can you test an installer for me ?

I have been having major problems with the NSIS installer system and installing fonts with it. I think I've finally got it sussed, but I need to test it on a few more machines.

The installer is 200KB and can be downloaded from:


During the install you will be asked if you want to register or trial the software, choose trial.

The program that it installs is called Gigajam Analyser, you will find it in your programs menu under Gigajam.

To test that the installer managed to install the font you need to download this file:


Load it into Analyser (file menu, drag and drop or just double click) and you should see something like this:

If you can't see musical notes, it isn't working.

The software is going to be used by these guys http://www.gigajam.com/ to grade music students performances.

Thanks a lot. If you try it out, please report back here with you success or (please, no) failure.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday