I've been reconsidering my player organization lately. I initially wanted to have a "dual matrix" design: set the ID3 genre tags one way for the search engine, then set the playlist structure a totally different way. This would allow me two different navigation methods with a single set of FIDs.

So, my playlists are follow the design idea "few entries per playlist". There are 6 "super-genres", each containing 2 to 6 "genres", each containing artist names and sometimes "sub-genres", each artist containing their albums. But as I was implementing this, the playlist structure just mirrored the genre tags, so I didn't gain the dual functionality. I never did figure out front-panel search (using no remote), so genre tags never get used.

So now I'm thinking about mood playlists. But to avoid duplicate FIDs, maybe I could put the mood in the genre field. Or, leave the genre field and make NESTED mood playlsts (top level being broad moods, nested levels being more granular; play a top level mood when you're less comitted to a mood, and a more granular one when you feel more specific). Ah, but I'm getting into too much detail.

My question is: What sort of FRONT PANEL functionality does the empeg have that can do my simple genre/artist sorting so I can use playlists for something else? Ok, FAQ me once, FAQ me twice (I really have to figure out SOUPs); but for some reason, I never fully understood "tweaking" a playlist by artist, genre, album, etc. When you press one of those remote control buttons as the playlist is running, what EXACTALY does it do? Enqueue songs? Resort the playlist? Shrink the playlist?

And how do YOU have your music organized?

SE_Sport_Driver: (from the Wish List post) So, do you have all of your tunes listed twice? Once under alphabetical and once under genre? Doesn't that jack up your FID count which puts you in danger of having too large of a database which will hurt the RAM and cache stuff? I'm considering mood playlists, but I'm nervous to duplicate my 6000+ FIDs.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set