It could be worse. You could be this guy. [

Wow, what an X-Ray. Tops my memory of....we had a drug-company-published glossy emergency medicine book in the ER where i worked. The favorite section was about this guy who calmly walks into an ER and says "Hey, I got this big nail in my head!" The triage people give him a cursory lookover and then sit the guy in the waiting room. After a while he comes back and says "Hey, I got this big nail in my head!" After a few rounds of this, they call the psychiatrist on call who drops by and chats with the guy for an hour or so and writes up his notes....and the guy sits for an hour. Then they wonder "What to do with this guy??" and some genius says "Hey, how about a skull film to humor him? Show him there's no nail?" So they do a film and ba-bing -- there is this big-ass 10-12penny nail driven straight down in the guys head. Perfectly vertical, right between the ventricles.

Another sad, famous case from Somerville, MA (in the 80s IIRC): not-too-well-trained construction worker goes to nail some 3/8" sheetrock to a stud, but uses a cartridge-driven nail gun suitable for concrete. Guy misses the stud and nail goes through the wall and severs the cervical spine of a poor bastard getting a haircut at the barber shop next door :-(

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.