I am sorry. I must not assume every your post I don't understand is about grammar...

There was a company called Franco-American that made such wonderful kid food products as Spaghetti-Os. I believe that Spaghetti-Os are all that still exist from them, but I remember there being quite a range of canned pastas back in the day.
That bit of American trivia never reached me. I should have Googled, but I did it now: they are part of Campbell Soups and still make other forms of canned pasta in several kinds of sauces. And a range of canned gravies. Shudder! I can't imagine taste and consistency of pasta that spent months soaking in a can; it certainly can't be correctly
al dente. Call me spoiled, but once my pasta gets cold, it goes to compost (OK, unless it is part of pasta salad).
Why, exactly, a company named Franco-American made talian-derived dishes is beyond the scope of this post.
Ah, but I always liked detailed historical digressions!