This topic has been discussed in 2 or 3 other threads, but I thought it would be good to start a dedicated one.

Turns out that TechTV isn't being completely scrapped. It looks like a large number of TechTV shows are being kept, and most of the important ones are included. They have a list up at the official site of the merger,

Basically, I think they have their best shows on that list (The Screen Savers, Unscrewed, X-Play, and maybe Fresh Gear). The rest are good filler, and only a couple are ones I'd drop (Future Fighting Machines is pretty dull, and Robot Wars is terrible).

I'm a little more encouraged by this, as a fan of the network. I'm hoping that most of the people involved with these shows are allowed to stay, and also that the community feel you get from the current network is still there. If this is the case, and G4 actually adds some interesting shows to the lineup, I think the merger could be a very positive thing, and bring the network into the big leagues.

Oh, and I've never once before heard of the G4 network. Could someone fill me in on that one?