I am getting the following errors, sporadically, when I stream music from my Empeg:

hdb: irq timeout: status=0xff
ide0: reset: success

I have seen past posts and the FAQ regarding the irq timeout indicating either bad ide cable, joint, or dying drive. I get these at a rate of about 1 every couple hours with constant streaming. None of the posts or articles I have seen include "reset: success". Does this mean thatin my case its not a hardware issue?

Prior to being in this state, I got tons of irq timeouts. Then I did the following as indicated in the faq:

umount /dev/hda4
umount /dev/hdc4
swapon /swapfile
fsck -fay /
fsck -fay /dev/hda4
fsck -fay /dev/hdc4
swapoff /swapfile

Since then, I only get them like once every couple of hours. But I still do. Is there any other fsck that might finish solving the problem?
