Hahahahaha... Okay. I guess the generic bump was a bit terse...

So far, they are selling very well. I have about 570 left. Granted, a lot of the "sales" were bulk or discounted or given away. Current sales prices on the website are $15 each, but if someone from the board contacts me directly (don't use the site - the pricing there is automatic), I will give you a discount.

So far, I still have a way to go before I break even. I am still down a bit over $4k. But that's okay - I think I will still break even or come out a little on the positive side when they are all sold.

If anyone sees any links or mentions of the spheres on various sites, please drop me an email and let me know about it. This way, I can add a link on the sales page.

I am also hoping to get an ad published / link / reference on a handful of sites. That is still in the works. I am also going to send a few samples to ThinkGeek and a few other sites - but only at the very end. These places can probably get them faster and cheaper than I can, so I want to make sure I get rid of the bulk of mine before passing the idea over to a competitor that can certainly outprice / outstock / outsell me.

But that is just a summary. For my next project... (I already have something in the works, but it is significantly more surreal and far less volume.)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs