Well, I went kinda nuts and bought one these units after reading all about them for many days. I also went and listened to and played with my installers trunk based unit(Alpine) and it made me reconsider using high bit rate MP3 for serious listening.

Anyway, I have a small car which I am resurrecting with regard to audio and will be passing the output of the Riocar into my HU's analog input and out to an amp to the speakers.

The unit I just bought.... and probably paid too much for on Ebay, is an unmodded and relatively unused 60Gb, Mk2A model.

Should I immediately do a firmware/software upgrade on this unit prior to loading any of my CDs?

Also, although I have been making copies of the CDs and DVDs I've bought for years, I haven't recently ever copied anything to a server for playback purposes.

Since I want to use the RioCar in my car and in my primary home rack, I'd like to use the best sounding, within reason, format as possible. Should I use wav, 320kb MP3, or somehting else?

Also, I usually use EAC for my CD copies. What software should I use to rip my CDs for copying to the RiaCar?

Thank you all very much for all your help!!!

Edited by merc (17/05/2004 00:01)
Take Care, merc