As long as I'm starting to launch into free association, whaddaya think about that Ariana Huffington? I heard her on the radio last night and I gotta say that there is at least one political actor left who has some spunk and has *some* semblance of an optimistic outlook. Maybe I caught her on a good night, but she has my vote. She recounted calling Shrub a "dry drunk" on a TV panel show. Quite the insight
I would have to agree agree. I think she revealed in her latest book that she's voting Democrat for the first time this year. Her reasoning was something along the lines of "when the house is on fire, you don't worry about redecorating." Makes sense to me.

Come to think of it, the political figures that seem to always interest me are the ones who don't have strong allegience to their parties. Either they've switched parties, are rebels in their own party, or have stances on issues that don't necessarily fall into party lines. Guys like John McCain, Wesley Clark, and even Colin Powell to a lesser extent. I wish there were more of these people, but our political system doesn't allow them to survive for very long.
- Tony C
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