Here's the web site as I've currently thrown it together:

I'm mostly happy with the results, although I'm still unhappy about a few things, and I'd appreciate any feedback people might have about:

- Positioning of the silhouette image in the upper left. I tried putting all of the "style" information into the style sheet and just assigning a class to the layer, but that didn't work. I assume the whole idea of style sheets is to put all that grungy positioning stuff somewhere else entirely, but I can't seem to make it work for me in this one instance.

- Having the left margin of all of my text and headings line up. Check out this page. I'm able to get some nice subheadings by saying <p class="blah">Subheading here</p>, but it ends up having a different left margin than the other paragraphs. I assume I just need to tweak some more things in my style sheet.

- You can see how I used an image as the background behind the main column of text. I'm not sure I like the effect, but I'm not really sure how to do it much better.