Thanks Guys,

It'll take me a while to get through all of those things ...

However, as a precautions i've have started an 'Emplode' Download to my PC to backup all the music. This is going to take 13 hours or so, and it seems to be working through in FID order ...

If this completes without a hitch can we effectively rule out Hard Disk problems ?

BTW, I have a 20gb and a 30gb drive in my player.

So assuming the backup of the music goes ok, and if we then assume that the HD's and the IDE cable are ok, this has to be a Hardware or a Database issue ?

I can pause the player and operate the menus as normal so the buttons are actually working.

I have checked Hyperterminal (boot process) and nothing seems odd compared to the FAQ, but it does say the message about needing to FSCK because the checkpoint had been reached, However when I syncd with emplode a few times it didn't seem to do this and the message didn't go away.

I will post the Hyperterminal later if this helps..

So I think it is the database ?, but I think that it's odd in the way that the problem occurs ...

1. Player boots normally.
2. Player plays song until then end of the song
3. Then Hangs. No button response at all and I have to cycle the power.
4. When you cycle the power, the player is magically at the start of the next song

So it's like the player cannot find the song when playing, but when you reboot it finds it.

Any more ideas .. ? I'll do the system check and refresh the DB files after the backup has completed just to be safe.


Edited by LTJBukem (24/05/2004 03:41)