That price is about on par with the price in Europe for those drives. I've checked with the US pricewatch, and you would only save about 120 NZ$ if you bought them in the US. Are you sure that's worth the effort? Since Maxtor drives do have a history of dieing relatively fast, wouldn't it be better to just buy them in NZ? For warranty reasons etc. I mean : 120 NZ$ is only about 70 US$, and you'll already loose a large portion of that "profit" because the drive would have to be sent to you as well.

BTW : This is just FYI. I don't like Maxtor. I already had 3 of their drives die on me within the first month of me using using them. I'd rather had it that they were DOA, but noooo, they let me install all my stuff on them first before dieing, taking all of it with them... yay!..
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup