This could make one HELL of a MadLib:

Patrick is going to be bring his new 3D <camper van>, as well as his extremely loud <Thunder Punch Power>. If he has time before the event, he will be trying to finish off the new <lit buttons (oh, that was bad)> which should be of interest to ALL empeg owners.

Rob is talking guardedly about the possibility of new <personal flying maschine (sic)> which will of course require enthusiastic testing to ensure that all the new <airships> <don't> <explode>. Oooh, I can't stand the tension!!

It looks as if <Uranium-235> and <a neutron> will be here with the <Enola Gay>. Luckily, the hotel doesn't mind and they assure me they are insured for accidental damage in the event the <fireworks display> goes wrong. However, Hugo will be giving demonstrations of <his empeg remote display> in the car park in compensation in his <"Noble"> (which of course has the special <ejection seat> installed), and Clare (his beautiful co-pilot) will be driving the black <station wagon>, shopping trolley version of course.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set