mlord had suggested that 150-200 sets was a reasonable estimate and Stu replied with this:

Agreed. Given the sales of the electronic portion fo the lighting kits, combined with the fact that many would probably buy more than one set, I think that number is quite reasonable.

This was for a single set of buttons (4 buttons & 2 knobs) and the price discussed at the time was in the neighborhood of $20/set.

There was some additional discussion afterwards that pegged the number as high as 300 sets but that I believe was the upper limit of speculation.

In the same thread as above, casting fool stated that the project would take $1000-2000 to setup. Add 50% contingency on that number in light of the fact that he was unsuccessful so that's $1500-3000 for setup.

Per unit costs? I'll throw these out. Resin is about $150 for a gallon can. I'm guessing that'll be good for 200-250 sets if the caster is efficient but if they have a minimum batch run it could require more resin. I don't think it would be 5x but could be 2x. So it's $300 for resin and additional $100 for coloring. That's $400/200 = $2/set for materials. So, materials won't drive the unit price but labor likely will.

Stu maybe able to comment on how big the mold was that the caster made. Assuming 5 sets per casting and 3-4 hours per casting, caster rates $20-30 (guessing)/hr. High side: 120/5 = $24/set or low side 60/5 = $12 set.

Unit cost $14-$26/set

Assuming a break even point at the low side of 150 sets with low side costs, the best case scenario on price would be $24/set. The worst case scenario at high side costs and low side 150 sets means that $46/set.

The idea of volume production to reduce costs only works if the caster can scale his operation up with increasing volume.

The reason I think it's a good idea to bundle the sets is to spread around the risk so that one person doesn't get stuck with the cost of 70 sets of Amber and Green.

Admittedly, the above is based on quite a few assumptions. If anyone has a different opinion, please have at it. The spreadsheets attached and I'm tired so YMMV.

218456-button econ.xls (607 downloads)