Well the epoxy I used

It is unlikely that any method of repair using just glue (or epoxy or cyanoacrylic adhesive etc.) will work.

The surface area to be glued just isn't large enough to handle the stresses involved in pulling on the handle. You have to think in terms of reinforcing the damaged area, and using the glue to keep the reinforcement in place.

There is probably less than 10 square millimeters of bonding area there, or about .02 square inches. If all you did was carry the player by its handle, you'd be loading that repaired area with about 200 pounds per square inch. Pulling it from the sled could increase that by an order of magnitude if your sled was tight-fitting or you were missing a connector screw. You have to spread that load over a larger area!

Perhaps tightly wrapping fine wire across the broken area (including maybe half an inch on each side) and then liberally coating that area with epoxy would work -- wire for the strength, epoxy to keep everything in place.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"