Taking the concept of a redesign in another direction. AFAIK, the intent of the coloring the button is to match the lens color so why not just use the lens plastic instead of casting resin. Based on some rough measurement, 2 pieces of 3/16" plastic and a farnell button cap could be used to make the buttons. Assuming that the button shapes could be laser cut, buttons could be etched with symbols or text while cutting. Also metal caps could be done similar to Beaker's design.

The downside is that they will require assembly and sanding but I think it is possible to do. The Empeg buttons are not the same height either so there would be a difference. I'm not sure how noticeable it would be though. Anyone see any reason this wouldn't work? I am curious as to why the farnell button cap base design was not used for the Empeg buttons. Was the intent to allow more free play in the Empeg buttons than the Farnell?

I've gotten little response from the casters that I have contacted so I'm going to chase this direction for awhile. I'll keep every one posted as things change.

226533-alternatebuttons.jpg (343 downloads)