By the time my kids are adult, there probably won't be much of a society left for them to enjoy - the signs of societal repression by government in the yUK are growing and growing, and with an illegally elected Fascist in power in the White House, I feel our time here is limited.

As for Reagan - I don't care a toss, let him rot. Him and Thatcher together propogated an agenda of militaristic, f-you collapse of both British and American society. What I recall of that period was a constant, nagging sense of fear and doubt, of watching a previously trusted Police force turn into Thatcher's private army; of seeing but not believing the wholesale destruction of entire industires and commmunities; of being terrified of the next imflammatory utterance made by Reagan intended to wind up the Soviet leadership. It is all summed up for me in the classic Frankie Goes To Hollywood video of "Two Tribes".

Shudder. I am glad those times are past. Now all I have to do is live with the fear of the new society that is growing like a malignant mold around me - over indulged teenagers with too much time and money, and no motivation; living in a culture of "let someone else do that" or "it's not my responsibility"; realising that no-one wants to, or can simply *make* stuff any more. In a world with no firm, or positive leadership from any of the politicians anywhere in the world, it's no wonder that airliners get crashed into skyscrapers. Corruption everywhere - I despair.

If you think I'm being melodramatic, or excessively pessimistic, well fine. I'm not really liking the way things are going in this world. There is one thing though, that really needs to be pushed - the need for people of ALL ages and inclination, to USE THEIR VOTE to determine the government they feel they need, and rid themselves of the Morons Who Control Us (TM). It was a right earned for you by the deaths of millions, and to waste your vote is an insult to their memory.

Political rant over. Maybe I should have gone to bed earlier last night.
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015