Thats my number one reason for running Netscape. Less security holes. #2 is I just can't stand IE for a few reasons.

I've been switching back and forth between Netscape and IE recently, and I'm starting to warm up to IE.

There is precisely one problem I'm having with Netscape, and it directly relates to this BBS. It's the formatting of tables with long threads. In Netscape, if I open a particularly large thread, the resulting table is huge. As a result, Netscape freezes for several seconds as it attempts to format the table for screen display. That netscape window (and any others I happen to have open at the time) is completely locked and unresponsive during this period. Sometimes this can be as long as 30 seconds for particularly large threads. IE, on the other hand, formats large tables much more quickly and remains responsive even as it churns on the table.

There are other things about IE that I dislike, though. With Netscape, I can use a batch file to clear my cache, history, and cookies with simple DEL commands. IE (at least on NT4) won't let you delete things like the history and cache folders from a batch file (the batch file is denied access). It requires that you go into a dialog box and answer a prompt before that stuff can get cleared. Fortunately, I found WindowWasher to do the cleaning for me, but if you watch it working, you'll notice that it has to open that same dialog box and ghost keystrokes into it to get the job done. What a waste!

Finally, if I want to synchronize my bookmarks between my home and work computers, Netscape is simple: It's a single "bookmark.htm" file, ready to be copied onto a floppy diskette. IE has every bookmark abstracted into a link file scattered in multiple subdirectories. ICK!

So, there are a lot of reasons why I want to like Netscape over IE, but reading long threads on this BBS makes it hard to do so.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris