Tony: ...weight the shuffle so that songs you already heard recently end up near the end of the list.

Hugo: It'll be stable by the time 1.1 ships, and your stats collection will start from there.

Does it collect stats regardless of the circumstances of play? In other words, if I turn shuffle off, and then burrow down through the playlists to find my favorite album and play that album start to finish, does that reduce the likelihood of tracks from that album showing up near the start of a randomized (i.e., shuffle on) playing of the entire playlist? Or does it only collect statistics to weight the shuffle while playing in shuffle mode?

Does it keep statistics on skipped tracks? If so, what does it do with that information? Does it move the skipped track higher up in the shuffle next time because I haven't played it recently? Or does it move it lower in the shuffle because apparently I don't like that track?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"