Thanks for the help. Another trick I learned last night was to modify the ID tags so they start with the track #. Kind of a pita to do by hand unless someone knows of a fairly flexible batch processing program for modifying ID tags.

Hmmm... looking on freshmeat.... only about 90 entries. I'll poke around tonight to see if I can find something easy that works or write a quick java program. I'll post back what I use.

Roger, it's great to see product developers out on the forum. When is the new release scheduled to ship? If you need any betas...

I used to do embedded linux development, I miss it. I developed one of the first "linux Internet appliances" back in '96. It was called TEAMInternet. I remember reading about the empeg car player on slashdot when it was first announced. Great product, glad to finally have one (in fact I'm ordering 3 more Rio Receivers today).

Best of luck in your new strategy to go after the OEM market.