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The "Serve Music to this Receiver" item disables serving of everything -- SSDP/NFS/HTTP.

It's exactly what you need for this scenario.
The list is stored in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Diamond Multimedia\Audio Receiver Manager\1.0\Units\Ignore

Ah, so there's actually a way to disable individual receivers within the server? I'm not sure if I did see that on a menu item, is it strictly a registry key?

So, what I'm gathering here, is if you've got three receivers, and two of 'em belong to one guy and one to another, the first guy can add a "ignore" entry for the other guy's receiver, and the second person can add two ignore entries for the other two. Then, when they boot up, they'll only be recognized and served by "their" servers? And they wouldn't have to worry about rolling their own DHCP or SSDP or whatever servers, it's all being selectively handled by the stock windows server?

This is exactly what people need. Is this an FAQ anywhere?

Once again, you guys think of everything. (well, almost everything....that's why we've still got wishlists...)