> That Turtle Beach thing looks kinda cool, but I guess
> I will just take my time on this...

The big problem with the Audiotron is that the "list smarts" all reside locally, on the player. It works by, at bootup, asking around the network for anyone who might have MP3s on a given windows share. If it finds that, it scans the share, remembers what's in it, and builds an internal list of songs, albums, and the like. Lose power, lose your list. And if you've got a big music share, it'd probably take a long time to rebuild the list.

With the Rio, the list magic stays on the server. Basically, Rio decided on a simpler player with required extra software on the server, Turtle Beach built a smarter player that doesn't require adding anything to your server -- but with, as I opined above, disadvantages...

The other cool thing about the Audiotron -- much brighter (but simpler) display, and (I think) digital audio out (which isn't such a huge deal when you're talking about lossy-compressed audio, anyway, IMHO).