Well, I set up 0.1.9 this weekend (I've been through the pain of jetty already from an earlier rev, so it was easier). I've got Music for Hackers on right now just to test. Skips a bit here and there, probably my connection rate. Otherwise, cool! Useful feature request: does shoutcast allow song titles to be streamed as well? could those be displayed? I guess you'd have to know when the track stopped and next one started and pass it onto the receiver as the next song in the playlist. I'd guess its possible if a shoutcast playlist was made to look like a really long playlist (>100 songs?) and moved to the next song each time it got an update from the shoutcast stream.

Thanks much for the software. I've got >10k mp3s (all self-ripped!, only about 1/4 way through it all), so I couldn't even begin to use the s/w that came with it. Plus I'm on linux. Ran Jeff Mocks' software with my own hacked up DBM initially, then realized I'd be much better off with a SQL backend.

Quick question -- anyway to setup album/artists playlists without actually making .m3u/.pls files. I went through the yahoo group and didn't find much. I can setup .m3u files, but is there something else I'm missing? I can use the recievers UI to select artists, but once I look for albums I don't have the artists names available anymore. I'd like to use it like playlists on the empeg, with a simple hierarchy and such before I get into any SQL business.

I should probably move this to the yahoo list I realize now. Oh well...
