Sorry, but having used both AudioGrabber and MusicMatch, I'd be inclined to wholeheartedly disagree.

As far as the argument against the speed of MusicMatch, I found that I averaged around 7.0X for the rip/encode process which was very comparable to what I was seeing on AG for just the rip. Additionally, the quality of the rips from MM seemed superior to me in terms of pops, clicks, and other digital distortions.

And as far as ease of use goes, it doesn't get any easier than dropping in the CD, waiting for the update from CDDB, then hitting the record button.

Finally, I decided to go ahead and rip my entire collection at 160kbits. Personally, my ear is not capable of distinguishing between this and a higher quality, but YMMV. The advantage of ripping at the lower rate is that if you have a portable player (I have the RioVolt SP100), you will be able to put your collection on 1/2 the number of CD-Rs.