After that CD was compressed the hsx quit compressing again so I deleted one of the cd's in there and reripped; changing the setting back to 320 & 96. It didn't appear to start so while it was recording I changed it to 256 & 128 and as soon as I switched to 128 it started compressing again. I then changed it again to 320 and 96 (hoping that if I could get it going it would compress the rest of the .wav files).

How does this thing tag the files to be compressed? Does the software cue up the tracks to be compressed? If I started compressing at 256 & 128 then switched it to 320 & 96 would it start from the top of the cue list compressing these tracks?

Worst case it appears I'll have to delete about 15 to 20 cd's that are not compressed and rip over again.