
I've been beavering away for the past couple of months developing another player replacement for the Rio. I've reached a point now where I'm ready to release version 0.1, but would 1st like a few people to try it out on in different configurations (to iron out any teething problems) before making it more widely available.

The software is similar to RRR and RioPlay in that it does mp3, shoutcast, ogg and flac. There are a few enhancements though:

- because it uses the JReceiver xml-rpc interface it's able to do things like list the albums for a given artist in the menus

- if you have more than 1 Receiver (I have 4!), it can synchronise playback so that you can have the same thing playing in more than 1 room without any noticable lag.

- you should be able to set up your own customised screen layouts by editing the config file

- it has a simple clock application which just shows the time for now, but which I plan to turn into a fully featured radio alarm (version 0.?).

- the code what runs on the Receivers is minimal and all the screen handling is done by java code which runs on your host PC. This means that all you java coders out there can hack it to your heart's delight.

So if you're interested and reasonably switched on technically, please send me your details (email, configuration etc).

Paul (the tRio guy)