Interesting. So the Rio automatically broadcasts the "magic packet" to the PC that last served it?

That's cool, but I might not always want it. Is there a way to turn it off? I'm not sure I want my desktop PC awakened automatically each time a Rio comes on. Also:

I will initially use my Receivers with my windoze desktop PC and the included Rio server software. Later, I intend to switch to one of the open source servers running on another machine (either a Linux or windoze server, not the desktop PC).

At that point, I'll definitely want to stop the Rio from waking the desktop PC it worked with initially. Will switching to another server stop the Rio from signalling that original PC? Or, is there a way to selectively enable/disable the Rio's magic packet send behavior on startup?

More info about magic packets and WOL:
WOL and the Magic Packet
Using Wake-On-LAN with Linux

I use this Perl script on windoze or Linux to wake up machines equipped with a NIC supporting WOL. Works great:
"Magic packet" generating script