Thanks for the response. It does shed a lot of light on my wishes. 2 side notes:

1) I did get displayserver up and running and now I see what you mean. Very impressive and I finally understand what the readme tries to explain. Trying to patch the kernel now but still a little foggy on that.

2) I also loaded up the Linux version of the emplode tool (emtool) and tried to get gemtool working. While that hasn't happened yet, I am seeing the simplicity of gemtool just sending batch commands to emptool as an engine for the GUI. So now I am thinking that if I hack a bit more, I may be able to build my wn gemtool like interface (ala Jemplode etc) that will batch change the database like I am envisioning. Of course this won't touch the ID3 tags or run on windows but it could be an interesting exercise in futility.
