Based on what you have going on you *should* just have to do these steps (which are taken directly from the link in the previous reply):

Set up JReceiver User

If you’re running JReceiver:

1. Create a new User called "trio" via the JReceiver admin panels with a role of “players” and password of your choice.
2. If you're running JReceiver 0.2.4 or earlier: Add a new “Tune.getKeysForQuery” Authorization to the players role – this will hopefully come as standard in future JReceiver releases. If you’re struggling to find where to do this from, there is an Authorizations column on the end of the Roles list. This is not required from version 0.2.5 onwards.

Edit config file
# If you’re using JReceiver 0.2.4 or later:

1. Find the menu-server and content-server settings and change these both to “jrec”.
2. Find the “servers” list and change the url setting for the name=”jrec” entry to the location of your server. Leave the “:8080/jrec_serv/servlet/RPC2” bit untouched (unless you know what you’re doing).
3. Change the user and password values (in the name=”jrec” server entry) to the values you set for the User you set up in JReceiver.

Edit Scripts/Batch File

If you’re running Windows, edit install-dir\bin\edit trio.bat and:

1. Change the “set TRIO_HOME=” value to the your install directory (e.g. set TRIO_HOME=c:\Program Files\tRio-0.x.x).
2. Change the “set JAVA_HOME=” value to where your java 1.4 (or later) runtime is installed. If this is set as an Environment Variable, you can comment this line out.

Running tRio
1. Open a command prompt, change directory to install-dir\bin and type “trio.bat”
2. Or create yourself a shortcut to “install-dir\bin\trio.bat” (on your Desktop, Menus or where ever) and run this