Hugo (altman) has talked about the display hardware hear before.

In one of the he says even he doesn't have schematics for the display.

Software isn't a problem, the imporant bit of the software (the Linux kernel and drivers) is already available. We have third party server software and client software for the Receiver itself that more that replaces the software that comes with the unit.

I suspect the easiest way to improve the display would be to use a serial driven VFD display (that some people on the empeg board are starting to use as external displays). There is a serial port available on the mainboard (you just need to add extra hardware to make it have RS-232 levels).

You could then either:

- patch the kernel to mirror what is on the normal screen onto the serial screen
- patch one of the third party clients to write direct to the serial screen
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday