Hmmm... You actually could "motorize" this, pretty easily. Screw an eyebolt into the back of the case with the loop sticking out the back, then a simple solenoid secured to the dashboard could have a rod through the eyebolt, locking the empeg in place. Power the solenoid through the ignition switch (ignition off = empeg lock on). You would have to switch the ignition on to remove the unit. Requires a small enough solenoid that doesn't draw too much current or make too much heat since it would be on whenever the car was running.

Normally I would not counsel someone to secure their tape player or cd player in the dash, because the damage a thief will do to the car attempting to remove a well-secured unit costs far more to fix than replacing the unit. But with prices over $2000 on the more desirable empeg configurations, that's different.

How well is the handle secured to the empeg? If a determined thief really pulls hard on the handle of a secured empeg, will the handle break off or will it just rip the empeg to pieces?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"