The Hitchens article is as disingenuous as Moore's movie is, arguing that Moore's insinuating things that he isn't. There are times in the movie when Moore does imply things that he has no real basis for, but Hitchens never really mentions those. The article is a terribly long-winded playground "is not!".

I have admired Hitchens and his writing for a while. I have a few of his books. He was a great guest on Politically Incorrect . He dares Moore to go toe-to-toe. I would run away if I were Mike, as Hitchens is very clever and *would* rip him apart. Hitchens has an element of the joyful assassin about him and would rip most *anyone* apart.

Tough luck for Hitchens, though, as Moore won't come within range, leaving Hitchens to froth, like you say, one big, long "Not!" I reread Hitchens piece and even have some sympathy with his complaints, but it is almost irrelevant. The movie is done.

When I saw the headline in Google I think he's a big jerk! I knew immediately it was going to be a story about Moore. Fascinating story, the Guardian inviting Texas Republicans to view F 9/11 ...and they are subsequently unmoved -- unchanged in their affection for Bush. Where some see Alfred E. Neuman (did Alfred lie a lot? I can't remember.), others see honesty, simplicty and forthrightness.

Apparently David Denby wrote a very negative review in the New Yorker. I didn't see that, just several letters responding to Denby. Denby apparently called for "at least [...]an attempt [....] to arrive at a many-sided understanding...." to which several readers reply "Moore is not that kind of filmaker, nor does he want to be" and (another) "Moore's documentary is intended as an expression of his view, shared by millions of Americans, that Bush's election has been detrimental for America. He has delivered a partisan commentary in an inherently partisan process, where subjectivity is a given."

Oh, like the goons stomping around the Dade County courthouse in 2000 had any conscience about being fair, and as if Republicans as a whole didn't enjoy their ugly triumph there.

The Guardian's Republican guests in the Texas theater complain of the movie's complete lack of balance. When they say balance, they want Fox News kind of balance. Well, that's tough, I think. It is past time for a little payback.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.