It is relatively impossible to find out if you have the ignition power and permenant power switched without removing the wiring harnass and looking at the physical wires. The condition you described is EXACTLY what happens when the wires are backwards. I had the same problem. If the installer had to install an ISO male block to your wiring harnass (as I did with my Jeep) then its very possible he got them backwards, and since it booted up fine when the car turned on, he assumed everything was fine and dandy.

When wired properly, when you turn the ignition off, the ignition power will drop to 0V, alerting the empeg that the car has been turned off. It will then continue to draw power from the permenant power lead until the 30 seconds pass, then it will turn itself off completely. If you have these wires switched, your empeg will be drawing power from the ignition power lead, and when you shut off the ignition power lead, the empeg has no power period, so it will completely shut down (and not save state).

I'd recommend looking inside your dash at the wires. They are usually labeled, and most of the time color-coded. Yellow is usually permenant power, red is usually ignition power.

Disclaimer: This is just information, and I can't be held liable of you blow yourself up or anything if you assume everything I say is 100% accurate. ;)

Though I spent weeks on my system, installing amps, speakers, and subs... I did it all myself, so I have a lot of experience with it.

