?!? Is there actually a "development schedule" for the car player??? Edit: I am not trying to be sarcastic or anything. I always thought car player development was a spare time thing. I did not know there was any formal framework around it.

There isn't a car-player development schedule. (The car-player was only ever released to a quality bar, not to a time schedule. That's why it remains the best product Rio has ever done.) There's only very informally a list of target features. The point is that, being a shared codebase and all that, the car-player often ends up getting "for free" features aimed at other players (Karma, Receiver). But voice recognition isn't on any of those development schedules (that I've seen), so as there's definitely no way such a big feature will get implemented purely during our spare-time car-player maintenance, there's just no prospect of it at all at the moment.
