I have no direct information, but the guys at Penny Arcade have this problem with it:
The puzzles in the game usually aren't always puzzles in the Myst tradition, and often involve using Google to research information which is sometimes legitimate and sometimes has the trappings of legitimacy but is actually a website created out of whole cloth for the game.


The thing that sucks is that, yes - they have this great thing that smudges the line between the game and the larger Internet. There are false web pages out there that you dig through and correlate, tons of writing when into these portions of the game. But since you are searching the real Internet, every time I try to play the game right, links to FAQs with all the information on puzzle solutions are right there in the link description, along with the planted websites. I guess I'm not sure what they could do about that, but I do envy those people who played the game first.
Bitt Faulk