I should have added more info.

I want to setup my empeg in the car with a wifi access port. Then wifi access the empeg from my ipaq. I could and do using the web interface, but for the ipaq its to messy and also I really only want to do the actual controlling using hard buttons (hey I'm likely to be doing 100mph while changing tracks).

I also only require on the display, the track, artist, current fid time and temp if I can get it. Sure I'd like the album, but thats not in the notify output.

The empeg isn't visible from the drivers seat so IR won't work. It's also rather enclosed, hence the requirement to monitor the temp.

If I had the ability to write windows stuff I'd knock this up pretty quick. Shame my ppc doesn't run unix with X-windows.
Andy MK2a 60GB Amber 040103916 32mb/Light Kit MK2a 50GB Amber 030102560 32mb