we were driving back from bowling and i noticed some smoke. as we continued to drive i could tell we were getting closer. i was getting excited cause i love fire.
as we pulled up the fire trucks were arriving. we stopped behind one and watched a dude get out of it and run to the shed that was on fire. he came running back as we started to drive around the truck
he jumped in the truck and started honking his big-ass horn at us to get out of the way
we scooted around the block (passing the fire station, not 40 yards from the fire) and parked
i got out and walked up to the spot in the video and started recording
my female companion walked up and said 'you can feel the heat from here' (you can barely hear this in the video)
i said 'im not sure if thats the fire or just normal arizona heat.'
in the video you can hear my voice change in pitch as i turned my head. i wasnt looking when the explosion occurred. i dropped to my knees pretty quick when i heard it, though