Okay, Hijack v405 is out.

The only change is a new untested ioctl() call that apps can use to immediately takeover the display/buttons, as if they'd just been selected from a menu, but without the need to bind to the menu (in fact, crazy things could happen if they DID bind to the menu first.. or not.. haven't thought about it much).
if (0 == ioctl(fd, EMPEG_HIJACK_TAKEOVER, NULL)) {
// success, we now own the display
} else {
// probably got EINTR, or some other error

The practical use of this new ioctl is in combination with the v403 ;@MENUEXEC feature, so that ;@MENUEXEC can be used to select/activate the app from scratch, and the app then invokes EMPEG_HIJACK_TAKEOVER to foreground itself on startup.

If another app already has the display (in use), then EMPEG_HIJACK_TAKEOVER will block until the first app releases the display.
