Okay, I repaired my 16MB Mk2a player and installed the latest v3a8 + Hijack on it, and I get the same problem.

It appears the player software is still pretty stupid about how it detects/measures extra RAM. It's looking for very specific numbers, and screwing up royally when it sees something "non-standard".

Which is exactly what the last four Hijack versions do -- they fiddle with the amount of RAM reported, trying to do the equivalent of "ReserveCache=xx" without the need to wank around on config.ini.

Oh well. Hijack v409 is now released, and removes that feature completely, so things should now work as well as they ever did.

I suppose an alternative would be to leave the code in (I've taken it out for now), and only activate it when more than 16MB of physical RAM is present --> the player seems to handle it fine in those limited cases.

Ya win some, ya lose some.
