Anybody who likes the Young Ones and hasn't seen Bottom is advised to see it whenever you have the chance (or get it on DVD). The storylines are mundane (like The Young Ones) but they provide plenty of material for them to inevitably end up kicking the **** out of each other. I didn't get to see any of the live shows but apparently they were even better.


[Richie and Eddie sit at the open window of their flat, looking out over
Hammersmith. Sirens are wailing, flames are reflected against the walls and
people are yelling and shouting all around]

Richie: God! Some people are short tempered, aren't they!?

Eddie: Yeah, well about four or five thousand of them by the looks of things.

Richie: Yeah. Oh, but it's wonderful, though, Eddie. I mean, look, all the
local communities are out there on the streets...

[censored] out of each other.

Richie: Yeah! Oh, I love carnival time. Oooh! Look at that police man over

Eddie: Which one?

Richie: The one jumping up and down, waving his arms.

Eddie: The one that's on fire?

Richie: Yeah.

Eddie: Now, well he's got no one to blame but himself. It was
him that started it all by appealing for calm!

Richie: Was it?

Eddie: Yeah.

Richie: [shouting out window] Provocative bastard!
