when you bring up an item's properties with ALT-Enter, the name is selected (I don't simply mean that the name has focus - that would be okay - but that the actual text is selected). This is a pain if you've selected text somewhere else to paste into one of the fields, as the new selection obliterates it.

I believe that Mike actually added this feature at my request. If you are tagging an entire album, it's much easier to enter multiple song titles if they come up selected like that. It lets you tag an entire album without having to go to the mouse to drag a selection across the song title every time.

Since you can group-select all of the songs in an album to set all of the other properties, you don't need to type those a dozen times. Usually, only the song title is something that needs to be hand-entered in a rote step-and-repeat operation, so it greatly benefits fast entry of album titles if you do it that way.

The reason I need this feature is because I rip my albums on the Rio Central, and I can only use Jemplode to tag them at that point. New albums aren't in the Central's database, and my Central is no longer connected to the internet. So most of the time when I rip a new CD, it comes up as "Artist 54- Album 37- Track 01". So I have to group-tag the album info, then individually hand-tag the song titles. Hence the selection feature.

PLEASE NOTE: This is exactly the same behavior as already exists in Emplode itself. By adding this feature, Mike is making Jemplode behave like Emplode.

What I don't understand is how things are getting obliterated as you describe. You would have to actually paste when the text is selected in order to obliterate it.
Tony Fabris