The two previous suggestions are perfectly valid except they cost money. If you don't want to spend anything I'd suggest
CutePDF Writer It's free even for commercial use. It uses GNU ghostscript underneath. Quite easy to setup too. And from their webpage:
FREE for personal and commercial use! No watermarks! No Popup Web Ads!
Only thing it doesn't do is integrate quite as well with things like M$ Word etc where Adobe Acrobat creates clickable TOC etc.
From the sounds of things, this would suit your needs just fine for one or two page quotes/invoices etc. Doesn't "print to email" directly but I don't think Acrobat does either. It merely prompts you to save a file which you can then email.
I have it installed and use it regularly. Hasn't played up on me yet.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)