Could someone with far more knowledge than myself get one to run with a modem and then log onto the net and then download music straight from napster as an example.

Yes, that would be technically possible. But it would be a fairly large task for doing it just on the empeg alone. It's much easier just to do the work with the PC and use Emplode to load the songs onto the Empeg.

I assume that you mean doing this by plugging an external v.90 modem directly into the Empeg's serial port, right? Because if you mean connecting to the internet via the ethernet port, then you're already talking about it being hooked up to a network with PCs on it already and there's no advantage to having the Empeg doing the downloading since it's so much easier to do on the PC.

If you mean controlling a modem through the serial port, then yeah, I'm sure you could write some sort of napster-type client to run on the Empeg and control a modem through the serial port. But it would be a lot of work for very little benefit.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris