If the homeowners association around here was active, they would have plenty more targets then me to go after for things like landscaping. One being his neighbor to the south, who just is now completing their landscaping as well, and they have been in their house a good 9 months more then I have.

I do have eprtty much all the paperwork assembled from digging it up last year. My neighbor found some Colorado supreme court case that I got a copy of to invalidate his point. He tried to accuse me of a continual tresspass for the water based on a case where a housing division routed sewer water onto farm land. That one was easy to counter, since in the actual text of the case, it states natural water flow cannot be seen as a tresspass, only activities that alter the drainage plan to an extent to greatly increase the water. I have signed paperwork showing less water is going onto his land then under normal circumstances.

As far as dealing with the silt, the builders did install a silt fence that I ensured was kept up as best it could. When the engineers came out to examine the grade, they noticed no abnormal movement of any of my dirt. This even after one of the wettest summers in recent history. It was also stated that when the silt fence was put it, it was both our responsibilities to check it. He did approach me with concerns, but only before the new silt fence was built and the builders addressed his issues shortly after I moved in.