I did get a kick out of this unofficial review though.
I got so much of a kick out of it, I think I'll skip the movie. Product placements really get under my skin when they are so blatant and contrived. One quibble with the review: Asimov was cremated, but I take his point.
Oh, and is this the right name-dropping moment to mention that I lived 3 doors away from the man himself all the way through grammar and high school? Ah, so what did I gain from this experience you might ask? Well as a 7 year-old I got in deep doo-doo for whacking his son (very gently mind you!) with a toy hammer. His daughter was friends with my little sister and she was (and probably still is) very nice. The family lived in a very modest house that you would miss if you didn't look twice. When playing in their back yard under a willow tree you could look up and see a small screened window on the 2nd floor (seemed more like an attic space, really) and catch glimpses of him working. Seemed like he was *always* up there. The hardest workin' man in show business.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.