Errrm - You shouldn't use the EQ-settings for making the Mk2 sound good. In the first line you should better adjust your amp correct so that you can't blow your speakers and that it sounds good. You have many possibilities on an amp (do you already have one?) to set the sound.
You can set the gain and the frequency for the channels. Best would be to adjust each channel standalone (disconnect eg. the front speakers and adjust the back speakers, then disconnect the back and adjust the front speakers. Then connect the sub and adjust it. Then connect all speakers and change the adjusting so that it sounds perfect)
Try some different settings of the amp. This is something you'll have to do only once till it fits your needs.
Be sure to have the Loudness setting on the Mk2 at level0 and the eq. in flat mode while you adjust the amp.
And be sure that you don't have the gain-selector on the amp at a too high level because this could cause some noise when increasing the empeg's volume. Better select a level somewhere in the middle between min and max.

If you've done this you won't have to change the EQ-settings too much. And they are just for fine-adjusting of the sound.

Have fun

Got my Mk2! # 080000143
[orange]Mk2, # 080000143, 40+30 GB, Tuner, Peugeot stalk hookup</font color=orange>